Most people would agree — living in a house full of accumulated debris and unnecessary objects can create a chaotic environment, and even cause health problems. This scenario is easily applicable to your website, too. You can think of your hosting environment as the home where your website lives.
It’s extremely easy for hosting accounts to get cluttered with plugins, themes, test scripts, and unused files. Unfortunately, this can not only slow down your website’s performance but also leave it open to infection.
In this article I am going to give tips on how to clean your server environment so that you can reduce clutter, optimize performance, and protect your website.
On May 25, 2018 a new European Union regulation called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect and affect every person or business that collects the personal information of consumers in the European Union (EU).
This legislation affects virtually every country in the world where an EU consumer can become a customer, user, or provide their personal information. This means it includes you and your business if you do business with anyone from the EU -- even if they're only visiting your website.
Don't get me wrong, I prefer face-to-face meetings. There are so many aspects of communication that just don't transfer in other mediums. It's hard to display body language, intonation, facial expressions and other nonverbal cues unless your meeting in person.
That said, we've found GoToMeeting to be an extremely useful tool and our clients love it.
How your website ranks on search engines is important to your business, but the specific details about how this happens is a trade secret of search engine companies (Google, Bing). Not unlike other ideas and concepts that people don't really understand, there are excessive amounts misinformation and myths about search engine optimization (ranking higher on search engines) floating around. Unfortunately, many of these myths get passed around as true.
At CreativeSights we have decided to provide a clean core Joomla!® template free of charge that anyone with HTML and CSS skills can utilize to build their own fully customized Joomla! template.
As I've stated in older posts, one of my favorite things about Joomla!® is how easy it makes things to build your own template. We want the world to take advantage.
Bothered by some of the videos that appear after a video runs on your website?
As video blogs have become more popular, we've got this question more frequently - “When I embed YouTube videos YouTube will display “Related Videos” at the end. How can I disable that?"