Website Construction, Grocery Stores and SEO
At CreativeSights we're more in the website construction business than providing the ongoing service and maintenance that true SEO and internet marketing services provide. In turn, I prefer to tell people CreativeSights is in the business of building search engine friendly websites instead of saying that we're in the SEO business.
The analogy when I frequently make when I describe what a search engine friendly build is to the construction of a grocery store. Just as a general contractor builds you grocery store with everything you need, CreativeSights will build a website with everything you need. We understand where things need to go just as the architect understands that the fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy are displayed on the outside ring of the store, while spices and non-perishables are relegated to the aisles. The check out stands are in the front of the store so nobody misses them.
However, once everything is in place and built in the right places the game changes. Would I sell more cans of a specific brand of soup if they were on the 2nd shelf instead of the third? Would customers buy more of a specific candy bar if it was on the fourth shelf instead of the fifth? Does the store sell more meat when it's offered at a 15% discount on Tuesdays or when it's offered at 17% discount on Fridays? While there are general trends and best practices to be observed in answering these questions, the real answers can only truly be answered by religiously monitoring the data our site collects and the leads or revenues the site generates.
While we provide some tools (like Google Analytics or Webmaster Tools) as part of our construction process, we prefer to recommend one of our trusted business partners to help you monitor this information with the regularity in needs. Staying up on the latest and most important information regarding search engine trends relating to building websites is essential for us, but acknowledging that nobody can do everything well, we're staying focused on building the best websites we can.